100 Signs for Everyday Use
Our vocabulary-building course is an excellent class for beginners, for your patrons who know some signs and desire to increase their sign vocabulary, and for your patrons who just want a refresher.
A course to expand your Sign Language vocabulary
Days of the Week
Basic Colors.
Family members i.e., Mom, Dad, Brothers, Sister etc...
Signs to use when making a request.
Places we go to.
In addition, your patrons will learn simple ASL sentences to apply their new signs learned. This class may be taught alone or directly after the ASL Basics class. By taking the ASL Basics first, the 100 Signs for Everyday Use becomes even more rewarding. Patrons will develop enhanced conversational signing skills.
5 - 45 minute sessions are taught weekly with a live, experienced ASL instructor.
Class includes:
Live experienced ASL Instructor.
Handouts of all the signs learned during the class.
Videos embedded in the handouts. These videos include an instructor signing the vocabulary learned during the live class. Awesome practice tool that your patrons can use again and again.
A recurring Zoom link.
Handy course announcement that you can revise.
Your course announcement featured on our Facebook page and Website.
One free space for your staff member