A Guide to Services for Organizations, Corporations, and Small Businesses
“By guiding your organization with high-quality tutoring and training programs,
we maximize the quality of life for the individuals you serve.”
Theresa A. King
SIGNING Basics, LLC - Director

What do successful companies know about marketing to people
with hearing loss?
Delve into our trainings and discover the answers to successfully engage this market.
How to build powerful connections with people who have hearing loss
Discover the rules of engagement that will have you making positive connections every time.
How to Find and Land New Customers with Hearing Loss
Discover the technology that will give you the competitive edge by giving the greenlight for your customers to easily find you
Use simple do’s and don’ts strategies that will delight your customers when they recognize you understand how to engage them appropriately
Get the building blocks to create successful long term relationship with your customers and employees with hearing loss
Create a clear message that welcomes customers with hearing loss, a rewarding endower for any company that wants to gain a competitive edge and thrive in the marketplace.
Workplace Signs and Communication Tips for Supervisors and Managers of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Employees
Clear communication is the foundation of a successful workforce. Team unity is achieved when clear communication is present between a supervisor or manager and their team. However, there are times when a supervisor or manager will have a new hire who’s deaf or hard-of-hearing and experience difficulties when communicating.

American Sign Language Workshop: 50 Signs for Customer Service Representatives
Many business owners strive to provide an enjoyable environment and shopping experience for their deaf and hard-of-hearing customers. However, not many know where to start. Take a step in the right direction by providing your customer service representatives with sign language training from us.